Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Two billion DAB euro's

Last week I received the The Catalyst in my e-mailbox. It is the e-zine of db Europe. Like always director Willem Toerink enthusiastically writes about its pursuit to play a role in the introduction of digital radio in the Netherlands.
db Europe solves the problem of the government.

db Europe communicates that it has submitted a business plan at the government that assumes an annual macro economic turnover of 2 billion euro per year! With macro economic it is meant that by introducing of T-DAB, local, regional and local broadcasting, completed with suppliers of date services, are able to generate 2 billion extra income flows. This pronounces an enormous business IQ. But the details still remain uncovered, for us as readers of the Catalyst. The business plan is, as it happens, secret. But 2 billion euro, I am nevertheless enormously curious!
DAB & innovation = no words but action

What is it all about? db Europe suggest innovative services become possibly with an economic value of 2 billion euro. Therefore, it concerns providing services! What are the innovative DAB services that create value in a magnitude which give such a huge extra income flow? It’s more than all current radio advertising expenditures. It’s even more than the turnover of the music retail business in the Netherlands. I will be waiting for some brilliant suggestions.

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